Alexander Team
Michael Corcelli, Managing Member
Mr. Corcelli began his career in the private wealth management side of the business at UBS. In addition to helping the firm grow their assets under management, Michael was responsible for portfolio management and tactical asset allocation for private clients. After leaving UBS, Michael formed Alexander Alternative Capital, a global macro hedge fund that started with shorting sub-prime mortgage companies. Additionally, Michael is the Founder and Chairman of the Florida Alternative Investment Association (FLAIA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization which includes some of the most successful hedge funds and largest family offices both national and internationally. In 2012, Michael led an initiative to double the Florida State Board of Administration’s use of alternative investments from 10% to 20% freeing up roughly 18 billion dollars of new capital for hedge funds, private equity and venture capital. Michael earned his Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Miami.